Are those even words?
First, Plinky
I've been answering the writing prompts from Plinky (^) for the last several days. I've been really busy with (in no particular order): knitting, quilting, polymer clay, felting, friends, family, life, etc.; it's hard to find time to write extensively at the moment, so its been nice to be able to commit to something brief and fun that I can follow through with.
Every day, Plinky asks a question and you answer it on their website, where it is archived with previous answers. Sort of like a guided Twitter stream (my tweets), I guess.
Anyway, here is today's question and my answers:
I've left out so many songs. Like... the entire Ramones catalog :)
Punk Rock Girl by The Dead Milkmen
It's a sweet, happy song that never fails to make me smile.
And the intro is bitchin'
One Saturday I took a walk to Zipperhead
I met a girl there and she almost knocked me dead.
Wild Wild Life by Talking Heads
I'm wearin'
Fur pyjamas...
Could there be a catchier intro?
Plus, the song is featured in one scene in one of my favorite movies (True Stories). The video for Wild Wild Life is essentially an entire scene in the movie..
And because Chris Frantz has nice teeth.
So, that's Plinky. I plan to post my Plinky responses here occasionally.
Tumblr is an aggregator that collects your feeds and puts them (your blog, Plinky, Twitter, etc. all in one continuous timeline. Mine is here (^). You can add other media as well (photos, websites, snippets of text, etc.).
Finally, Twitter. Is there anyone who doesn't know what Twitter is? Called microblogging, it asks the question: What are you doing? and requires that you answer it in 140 characters or less. The answers are called Tweets. Mine are here (^).